Each month our Bee Informed Blog highlights current news, science, and research related to solitary bee conservation, food insecurity, and sustainability.
1. How You Can Help Count and Conserve Native Bees
New York Times - The U.S. National Native Bee Monitoring Research Coordination Network (RCN). This project, funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and led by a team of researchers from U.C. Riverside, is a new approach to monitoring native bees. From 2020-2023, native bee biologists from across the U.S. will work together to develop a national plan for native bee monitoring. The plan will include components such as monitoring protocols and the designation of priority areas for monitoring. The RCN will also develop new educational and training opportunities in fundamental areas to native bee monitoring.
Crown Bees is an RCN member, and we look forward to working with this dedicated group of researchers to help conserve our nation's native bee populations! Visit RCN's website for more information on the project or to learn how to get involved.
2. Pollinator-Friendly Solar Could be a Win-Win for Climate and Landowners, but Greenwashing is a Worry
Inside Climate News - Yale's Center for Business and the Environment found that pollinator-friendly solar can boost crop yields, increase groundwater recharging, reduce soil erosion and provide long-term cost savings in operations and maintenance. The research also found that by creating a cooler microclimate, perennial vegetation can increase the efficiency of solar panels, upping their energy output. Click here to access the article.
3. Bee Better Certification Program is Buzzing on U.S. Farms, Local Grocers
Collaborations between farmers and USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to create better landscapes for bees and other pollinators have been going on for several years. The recently launched Bee Better Certification program, developed by the Xerces Society and funded through the NRCS Conservation Innovations Grant program, has gained interest from large and small brands alike, such as Häagen-Dazs and California Giant Berry Farms.
The Bee Better Certification program certifies the use of pollinator-friendly conservation practices on farms. After the farmer is Bee Better certified, they can use the Bee Better seal on their product packaging, giving consumers the option to support farms that are supporting bees. So "bee" on the lookout for the Bee Better seal the next time you hit the grocery store!! Click here to access the article.