Over the years you've shared some amazing photos of bee-friendly yards and gardens with us and this spring we want to highlight your hard work and creativity to help inspire others!
Share your pictures and bee-friendly habitat details, and you may be "crowned" the winner of Crown Bees 1st annual Backyard Buzz contest. From Crown Bees' houses surrounded by native plants to completely recycled DIY bee houses to pesticide free gardening and everything in-between.....show us your best!
Submissions must include a photo and a short description detailing what makes your yard and garden bee-friendly.
Submissions accepted: April 15th - June 30th
Social media voting: July 1st - July 15th
Winners announced: The week of July 18th on Social Media
Winners will receive: A Gift Certificate to Crown Bees and will be featured in the August 2022 BeeMail. First place winner will receive $75, second place winner will receive $50, and third place winner will receive $35.
There are Two Ways to Enter
Email your photo(s) and short description to outreach@crownbees.com with "Backyard Buzz" in the subject line OR post and tag us on Instagram @crown_bees or Facebook @CrownBees. Please also include #crownbeescontest on both Instagram and Facebook to help us when it comes to voting.
Please note that by entering your photos, you grant Crown Bees permission to share them socially, with proper attribution to you.
Good Luck and Happy Pollinating!
~The Crown Bees Team